Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blog Assignment 1: Character Deconstruction

Color- Black and Blue
Iceman has a black and blue color scheme.  He is covered in ice and that is often represented by blue, since it is such a cold color.  Black is often an undertone beneath the blue.  This enables the blue to pop, but also gives depth to the character.  In the above picture, the blue streaks appear to disappear into the blackness.  Having a black undertone then a frosted blue overlay makes Iceman appear to be made of ice completely through which enhances the visual representation of his abilities.

Light- Mainly Backlighting
Iceman is often portrayed with a strong backlight. This does a few crucial things.  First it separates him from whatever background he is in.  It outlines him and draws the eye to him, making him stand out in any environment.  Second, it enhances his icy aura.  Many pictures of Iceman are backlit giving the effect that there is frosted air coming form him.  It makes him look cold and makes the idea that he is covered in ice more realistic and believable.

Shape- Rectangular
Squares and rectangles are very strong and sturdy shapes.  The give a character a commanding presence and make him seem powerful.  In addition to the strength that comes with this shape, ice cubes and blocks of ice are common images associated with ice.  Modeling Iceman's shape after such a common image is a way of making an unrealistic character more accessible.  When we see blocks and cube shapes, ice is a common association; likewise when we see Iceman in a rectangular shape we think power, strength, and ice.

Character Deconstructed: Iceman

Color -Red and Yellow
Red and yellow are very close to each other on the color wheel so they go very well together.  they are also heavily associated with fire.  Pyro's mutant ability is the ability to control fire, so having his uniform have colors representative of fire makes sense.  Pyro would be considered a bad guy or a villain.  He is dangerous and easy to set off.  This is just like fire, so having red and yellow- both colors of caution and danger- gives the viewer the idea that this is a mutant that is not to be messed with.

Light- soft glow
Everything about Pyro points back to his ability to manipulate fire.  there is usually a soft glow of diffused light on the front of him.  This gives you a sense of the fire within, but also separates him from the crowd.  As a boy he was an outcast and even in modern society he is not socially accepted by others.  This is portrayed through the light that surrounds him, which is different from that of anyone else that would be in a picture with him.
Shape- Angular
Pyro has a very angular shape.  This directly corresponds to his ability of fire manipulation.  Fire is swift and stealthy and has an ever changing shape.  It moves fluidly and is deceptively destructive.  Pyro too is a very swift villain.  He moves in and out of crowds with ease and is hard to hit.  He sneaks in, does his damage, and then is out.  his angular shape symbolizes that fluidity and allows the viewer to see him as a filer-like man.

Character Deconstructed: Pyro

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